Why I Traveled Internationally?

What made you travel Internationally?
I’ve always traveled throughout the Virgin Islands, Caribbean and the United States but never Internationally. I wanted to expand my horizons and be open to much more than what I have experienced before, so I wanted to travel abroad. Out of the blue, one of my friends sent me a message with a link for a travel group page on Facebook. She knew that I’m always looking for a new adventure and intrigued by travelling somewhere new. When I finally opened the link for the page, I saw a post with travel information. I did not look at the price, accommodations, or flights. My initial thought was “I am going!” Immediately, I clicked join group and waited to be added.

Location Abroad
At last, my request was accepted. There were so many posts, filled with conversations on this page, however, the only one that truly sparked my interests was the one with the travel information to travel abroad. After a few weeks, the admin posted more details about the upcoming travel. I couldn’t believe where and how far this group was planning to go. For an Island girl like me, it was extremely far. There were going to Bangkok!! A rush of excitement came over my body because this would be my first time traveling half way around the world. All I could’ve think about is how many planes will I have to catch in order to get there??? In that moment, it really didn’t matter to me how many planes, or how many hours it would take me to get there. All I knew, I was ready to go, even though I was about to travel half way around the world for the first time in my life with a group of strangers.

Facebook Group
Posts with active conversations filled the walls of this group page. One post was a question “Where are you from?” As the many answers started going up in comments, I decided to comment as well. My answer to the question was, “I am from the Virgin Islands (V.I.)” with a V.I. flag to represent the island. Later on that night, after looking at all those comments, surprisingly I found out that I wasn’t the only Virgin Islander in this group. A classmate of mine, messaged me on Facebook to talk more about the upcoming group trip. After that, it was on and popping because we both decided that WE ARE GOING!


  • 4 years ago

    Oh my! I love it here at IyaTravelle! I’m saving it to my browser! I love your topics and content. I’m looking forward to more!

    • Iya Travelle
      4 years ago

      Thanks love! 🙂

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